
 I come from a dark place because I was born and raised with little love...

Little respect





I grew up feeling not important,

My feelings didn't matter ,

I was invisible and I should be invisible,

Never complaining, nor asking questions,

My opinion were never asked. I just should do as I was told 

But I was showered, feed, dressed cleaned clothing and taken care when sick

So, as teenager I became the result of it..

A teen with low self esteem that unconscious started to express my emptiness, sadness and revolt through  music, black clothing and thoughts' writing.

I started an anger battle with society to accept  me. 

But, looking back, now, I think this was an unconscious battle for the love and acceptance of my parents...

Sadness and suicidal thoughts were always wandering in my mind..

As I moved to adulthood, I understood that I had to fit into society... So, I silenced the ghosts and became a quiet person with a masked never ending sadness..

My parents don't know what they did and they will never know, because they never knew what they were doing.  They believe they did their best...their best...?!

Now, my mother is older and she demands me attention and affection.... from me?!