
The Lawyer

The microphone goes round and round to the sound of a naughty music, looking to give voice to someone... the silence ate everybody. 
Did I hear calling the lawyer?

The Story

Somewhere in the way, a tramp bird tells my story. A very soft ballad with a monstrous content...

Change of plans

I am, now, alone, hearing the screams of my emptiness
Everything planned, I buried together with my last hopes.
I turned joys into sadness, just to fully live and feel this current despair..



Time is everything and nothing. Time changes everything and nothing.


The earth trembled! Everybody screamed! 
The earth trembled! Everybody screamed! 
The earth trembled! Everybody screamed! 
Something inside me, fell.. and I became deaf.

The Discovery

I saw the rotten soul of a monster
I fear what can happen to me,
Its inside is made of ashes
as everything there burned
Oh! It's just my reflection in the mirror!

Eternal Slave

I am slave of this inner prison

The Walk

Was that you, Confusion, that touched me when turning the corner?
Madness just bumped into me. She was with Monotony. How weird is that?
If you want, I can introduce you Sadness, Melancholia, Anguish and the others, whose names I forgot.
Come with us. I don't despise nobody, even less somebody so loyal, like you. 

First Love

Mother, I arrived!
I came running through the streets of despair
straightly home,
to my room, 
to get drunk of degrading thoughts
and drown myself in its vomits
Sleep, where are you?!
You are never there, when I need you the most
Yes, mother. It was that boy of the small beard that made me crawl here..